You have to be a fool to believe in this stupid “love” stuff!


Do I really need to be that much of a fool to believe in Love? Love makes the world go round, love is what keeps things running.

True, the love that rules this world is not a love of sunshine daisies.

The love of money, for one, is what keeps many big businesses going. The love of material things, possession, consumerism, that love of more.

It’s easy to love things. You can hold them and play with them. You can show them off to other people and gain respect and admiration.

It isn’t easy to love people. People let you down and betray you. People break their promises and disagree with you. People can do horrible things to you and some probably have already! It’s not easy to love them.

Yet love is what drives us. Love is what keeps you going. If there is nothing you love you have nothing to live for.

If you have something to love you have something to live for. When you strive for something you love your life gains meaning and purpose.

What do we love then? Material objects, those are fleeting and finite. People are fickle and unreliable.

Instead, love an idea

Love a feeling

Love a vision


It is when we find love for our self that we can find love for other people and things.

Little Shiva blessed


I am writing, typing, trying to recall a sensation, an idea, a meaning to grasp within the chaos, barely thinking, moving forward through the thick swirling matter that it is in my mind. Stuck. Right there, in the small distance between realization and fading dream, like a flash in the night right before a thunder wave comes.

Only it doesn’t.

That spark, that flash flies deep into the night without a memory, without a sound.

Trembling, I’m sitting with my laptop, writing, typing frantically. Trying to put into words those realizations that came to me. trying to put into language those thoughts without subject, those feeling without cause.

And, like smoke drifting upwards from Little Shiva who’s medicine had provided, my hands move in vain, the more I grasp the more the fractal trails cascade in on themselves and become more complex to equilibrium. The spiritual revelation now fell without sound, like a feather in space.

Who could recall those sacred thoughts, those sacred feeling that oh not so long ago, but fleeting seconds held such significant meaning and now were as empty as the silent dark that followed. Who could recall?

Fleeting, the thoughts that follow. To describe each would be a poem in itself, disgrace, outrage, frustration, hope! Perhaps Little Shiva would provide a solution again?

Coughing, I hold up Little Shiva, the sacred vessel blessed with three breaths, and spark Prometheus’ gift. The minutes that tick by are uneventful in the slightest. The bineural beat of the room- monotonous fading memories. The second lightning absent with the first thunder.

Alas, what the Light provided the Light will take. But the Light will provide what is needed another day.



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When the end of days came

When the end of days came we expected it to come with Armageddon and chaos. We expected thunderbolts and lightnight in the sky, we expected blood on the streets and smoke in the air. We expected fire would erupt from the earth and a million demons would be set loose. We believed the righteous would ascend and the guilty would suffer.

Yet none of that happened.


We expected trumpets to sound in the heavens, but we barely got a whisper. Like a thief in the night the apocalypse came and went without as much as a shadow to show it was there. The world kept spinning, life continued almost exactly as it did before. Almost.

Something did change. It was something so small, so quiet, so tame and so innocent that most probably didn’t even notice it. It was a slight change in the breeze, a shift in the current. It was small, but it was significant.

From that point on events did not progress as they used to. The powers that be had lost and those they used to command began slowly, ever so slowly, to wake up to the infinite possibilities they did not see before. The waking beast that is the human race is waking up to it’s potential, and the full potential is yet to be seen.

At the end of days a lion and an ox will graze and a wolf and lamb will lay together as brothers. Nation will not raise sword against nation and we will know peace.

I believe we have reached that time. I believe that the day of judgment has come and passed and we have been deemed rightful, if we so choose, to build this world the way WE want to see it through our hearts, minds and two hands. What are you waiting for? The day to act has come today, no one else is going to do it for you.

The only question is what kind of world do you want to live in?


Why Jerusalem is the center of the world

In my visit to Jerusalem I wanted to learn how what happened in this spot shapes so much of our world today.

Jeruslem was settled over five thousand years ago and grew to become a capital city, a trade and military outpost and a holy temple for three of the largest religions in the world.


Before the Judaic people made Jerusalem their holy temple it was a military outpost. The mountains around make it a difficult spot to get to, it faces cliffs and narrow paths on all sides, making it an ideal place for a stronghold.


The Christian follow the path of Yisha of Nazereth, who preached on the temple mount and bid people to love thy neighbor as thy self.


The Muslims believe this is the land at the end of all land “Al-Aqsa” where the prophet Mohammad ascended to heaven to consult at the presence of Allah.


This place is sacred land to many people, as this is the place chosen by God that his chosen people will have it.


Many of the wars we see today and the wars that were faught throughout history have some relation to this sacred spot. Be them Christian or Muslim oriented. The idea of having world peace has been equated to peace in the middle east.


Perhaps if we can solve the problems in this city we really do stand a chance. Maybe if we can find a common ground here, we can find a common ground everywhere else.


All religions have something in common. That something is what keeps it true, keeps it valid keeps it alive. These truths can be found in the bright side of any belief and are absent when religion is used for evil.


There is so much history of blood, but that is history. Those who hold on to it keep it alive. You are not born to it, you grow up to it.


But what is true at the heart is always true. And it is true to a Muslim, Christian and Jew.


And what is true at the Heart, Mind and Body of all Women and Men is that the Light is at the center of you, this Where and this When


What I learned on a mountain top

I had trekked over ten miles up hill by this point and was starting to feel the exhaustion of the day.

My five day journey started that morning in Haifa where I jumped on a quick bus to Acre to sight see the historic castle that sat on the crossroads for two and a half millennia. From there I trekked up through Nahariya to the exit of the Kziv river into the Mediterranean about 4 miles south of Lebanon.

The sun had already set although it was still late afternoon and I felt a shiver as a slight chill breeze reminded me that this was early December and should bundle up for the night. around me the steep slant of the mountains closed in on me while shadows leaped from between the trees to slowly creep over the thin winding path I was struggling to follow.

I trekked on, becoming one with the sounds of the night, the birds ninja’d their way through the brush, looking for late night snacks. The jackals yowled at each other, making it possible to almost pinpoint their location as they slinked around in packs, a chilling cry, like the ghost of a dead alley cat trying to bark. A snarl would break my pace from time to time as a warthog would leap startled from my vicinity and run scampering into the brush.

I awoke early the next morning with the light of day, I had a quick breakfast, did a quick meditation and yoga in the chill morning breeze and then set out on my vision quest with a sacrament of a chocolate bar. The sun became visible over the top of the mountains hours later when I had followed the river up a mile and caught sight of my summit.

While I climbed the path I felt many eyes on me. I looked around as the scenery changed. The thick brush gave way to limestone and olive trees. I felt the rock as I passed by, noticing how the soft chalc practically fell apart in my hands. By this time I felt the calling to me, and I knew I was close to the place.

When I reached it I knew it was the right spot. I threw off my bag and shoes and lay on the ground. I had made it to the top of the mountain, beneath me lay the span of the river I just followed, around me the clear mountain panoramic stretched for miles around me. I had found the vantage point of the universe, and the universe had a vantage point on me.

Many people before me had climbed the same mountain, carved the paths, learned the lay of the land and left their mark for others to follow. As more people follow a trail it becomes a path. Who started these paths? Who can tell. Yet we can still walked in the footsteps of those that walked before us and feel the mark they left.


Found between a limestone and the Cyclamen

A spirit came to me while sitting in my meditation. A vision from the ultimate, a messenger from the one deep within. There I bore witness to the awesome and infinite power of that which we call ourselves. The tree before me erupted in energy and transcended time and space in all directions as the words of the elders who came before me had witnessed. The story older than time retold through a thousand different tongues.

As many bore witness before me I bore witness again, that the word of God is as true and unchanging as the rock it is written upon. For all come before it and through it and follow it. None can go against the word of God for the word of God is all.

As the spirit raised from me and transcended I let my spirit pipe lay on the ground near me by the cyclamens. I looked around me, recognizing all the paths around me, the ones walked by people, the ones walked by goats and the ones walked by flows of water. All these paths leading into each other, interconnecting and locking. Slowly, without anyone even realizing it they grow together. All paths that come and go lead to and from the source, as all things come and return to the source, as is the path of all things.


The path before you and the path behind you

I wondered about the path before me, and how much of a mark I will leave behind me. Such a mark as we all wish to leave, a verification that we exist. Yet in our quest for truth and meaning we have left both behind, lost and forgotten, twisted through years of fear and rage. The truth cannot be destroyed though, as it is written on all things. It cannot break for it is stronger than the stone it is written upon.

And what is the truth of man? The truth of man is that all people are the same. We get hungry we want food, it gets cold we want shelter. These are the things that are true of all people and none can deny it. If someone tries to take these things from you you will try to protect it, this is true of all good people.

What else is true of all people? All people have a heart beating a song to them, a mind they can think and be present with and a body to unleash that potential. At the center of all this is a light, brighter than any other light you have seen, that shines through your heart, mind and body, and this light has an infinite potential. What we do with this potential is a choice that is up to us.

All this I learned that day on the mountain top. The spirit had ascended on me the knowledge of these basics, the stories of which spanned the land around me. Such truths had become known the elders just as they are revealed to all those who will seek them.

For the next three days I hiked through the mountains of the upper Galilee, meditating on the epiphany I had. A new burning desire was beating in my heart, a tune I began to feel, an excitement I began to chant.

How to be conscious of your consciousness

Last night we were shooting a pilot for a new show about Medicine (sneak peek!) it was great meeting up with more familiar faces and catching up. After my vision quest with Harrison and Lorna I felt very much revived and immersing myself in medicine has done well for my peace of mind.

The vision quest was amazing, no doubt one of the best I’ve had. I usually enjoy having my quests in nice weather where I can easily run around outside, removing items of clothing, move around freely and even dress like a Greek god, but the w  eather was bellow freezing and Harrison’s apartment was warm and cozy, we ended playing games and telling stories. It’s hard for me to pinpoint exactly what we did, the nonverbal communication between us was thick. I recall tasting chocolate other people were eating and doing sacred circle yoga, meditation and medication. One of the best birthday parties I’ve been to.

The filming took place at Bar 13 off union sq. I know the rooftop there very well, and while it was iced over and slippery it still proved a decent smoking and conversation spot. I met up with a couple old characters I’ve become acquainted with, including Aran Kay, who’s son has debated me numerous times about religion and spirituality, and many other classic faces from the occupy and activist scenes.

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I also had an instant moment with a young man named Austin, the first connection was the recognition of each other’s crystals. He was the third person that night to ask me about my crystals WITHOUT touching them (big points for not grabbing my crystals!!!). We got into conversation about medicine, the hemp industry and what consciousness is.

The subject of ascended masters came up, a subject I have strong feelings about as someone who has spoken to the ascended master(masters) that is above and bellow (for all are one and one is all) and it still annoys me how many people who are into bettering their spirituality still separate themselves (ourselves) from the masters (them) especially when it comes to the consciousness.

What is consciousness?

The question sparked an excellent conversation afterwards as well.

Consciousness is a state we all have, or so I assume, as I don’t know any way to measure or show that anyone other than me has it, and that is only demonstrable to myself. My experience of consciousness is evident to myself through my experience of it, but I can only experience my own stream of consciousness, not anyone else’s. So how do you measure a conscious? How can you say who has a higher one and who doesn’t?

Can a Dog attain enlightenment?

Of course the spiritual path has become a competitive one, so many people are trying to out spiritualize each other. This, in turn festers and manifests in pseudo-spiritual fads propagated by ego, fear, greed and misinformation over honest spiritual ideas and realizations.

I see consciousness, not as something separated and measurable like rocks or even grains of sane, it’s something more intangible and continuous. The STREAM of consciousness that you flow through is not separated by silly notions like “you” and “me”, it’s something more superfluous between each other. I felt it in the vision quest, when “your” consciousness become immersed in “my” consciousness we can begin to play with the very concept of “you and me”, swapping experiences and memories on a more subtle level. It is like a conscious continuum that we perceive a shared experience of while constantly exploring it.

The real question would not be “are you conscious” or “how conscious are you?”

Before leaving I had another excellent conversation with some people I met who were very curious about what was going on. The couple was not a big users or advocate of marijuana legalization, but they were very interested in what we had to say and were very interested in some of the ideas I had to share.

What I said and they loved it, was that all I know for certainty is that they are conscious Now. Not in the past, not in the future, but Now. It’s a simple and obvious concept to realize, yet it’s implications are so subtle and outstanding. It is the one fact I can claim about consciousness that cannot be refuted.

The question is are you conscious of your conscious? Are you paying attention? Are you Now?

Making the right choices


Recovering from some huge life choices I made is not easy, I don’t think it’s ever easy to come to terms with the decisions we’ve made, especially when we recognize them as a mistake.

Life tends to be a series of choices. Choices that range from what should I have for dinner to what should I do with the rest of my life. We tend to make many choices a day, most of them without even thinking about like getting up and going to work rather than sleeping in, taking the car or a bus instead of walking or biking. Some of our choices lead to good things for us, some of them lead to less than good things.

Some choices are obvious, but some choices are harder to distinguish, choices like going to a wedding and having to deal with relatives and family you are still not sure how to relate to.

I’ve made a lot of choices in my life, many of them I regret. Some of the decisions I’ve made have been questionable, but I like to believe that my decisions are usually good or me. Recently I’ve been using the power of NowConsciousness to make better decisions, and it helps a lot! But it only makes it even more difficult when you have NowConsciousness and still make a bad decision.

Some of the biggest regrets in my life though are not decisions I’ve made but rather decisions I didn’t make- opportunities I should’v made but didn’t. Opportunities with people I could’v been with, places I could go or experienced I could’v had but didn’t because of feeling too much fear and insecurity.

I remember this one time when I was still in school, and a girl came over to my house to hang out and ended up taking her shirty off. I was very shy at the time and wasn’t sure what to do or how to respond. She ended up putting her top back on and leaving.

Another regret I have is not staying in Yellow Spring longer, picking up an old 86 Cadi I could’v driven and got a simple job. I already had a nice place to live and an amazing girl who was everything I could dream of, not simply being open to polyamory but wanted us to bring more people in. But I made the decision that I wanted more in my life, I felt a calling for something else, I was drawn to New York so this is where I came. Sometimes I wonder how my life would be now if I chose to stay instead.

Here in New York though I learned of NowConsciousness and the NowAge, and the amazing experiences I’ve had have definitely worth it. Now that I am living in the Now, any decision I make is mine. There is no one else I can blame for my decisions, which only makes making wrong decisions so much harder.

Before if I made a wrong choice it was because of fear, insecurity and not knowing what I want. But the first key of Now is to know what you want. I know what I want and I make my decisions accordingly.

And yet I still felt fear, still felt insecure, even though I knew what I wanted and my decision did not match what I wanted. This is the drawback of being so in tune with your own energy. When I feel that a decision is not good and is not in line with what I really want horrible bad things will happen. If the God is the self and you defy your own word you are defying God’s word, for your word when in the Now is in line with God’s word. If I make a condition for myself, if I set myself something it is my duty to follow through with it and follow my word to the letter.

And yet I did not do that. I pressured myself into feeling like this was what was expected of me, yet it was not what I had expected from myself. I had a clear idea this was not the decision I wanted, I felt it was not good for me, I asked for signs and saw that they were not good. I made the decision anyways. I had abandoned God, NowAge and the three keys because of myself, because I made the decision to live for other people and not for my passion.

I made the decision and I paid for it. I am STILL paying for it. I lost money, I lost my girlfriend, I lost face, I lost much respect and went through horrible mental anguish. Most of all though I lost my faith in myself. My faith in my mission and passion. I regret that the most.

How do I recover from such a horrible decision? How do I forgive myself? Do I try to hack it back to the life I had before or do I try to make a new one, salvaging what I can. How will I be able to relate to other people Without my confidence in myself, knowing I let myself down so badly?

Our mistakes can serve as lessons, but I can only hope the lesson is not too late.

The choices we make are an important part of out life, they define who we are and what we do. If we make choices that are not in line with who we are and what our mission is they will come back and hurt us. We must make our decisions in congruence with what it is that we truly want, no matter who it may hurt or who might be disappointed in you. I’ve definitely found that it is worse to be disappointed in myself rather than having someone else disappointed in you.

The only solution I know is the keep following the path NowAge unfolds in front of me. Making decisions about the future is easy when you do them Now, you can always vow to wake up tomorrow at an earlier time or to lose 20 Lbs this year. It’s following through with your decisions that is difficult. The real decisions you make are the ones you make Now, the decision to wake up Now, to do that project Now, to turn off facebook and finish that task you’ve been putting off Now. There is no other time than Now, and if you do not make the decision Now you are never making that decision.

I do vow that from Now I will follow the Now and make decisions Now that will always be what I want and what is inline with who I am and the mission I stand for. Can you make such a commitment to yourself?

You and I


When we’re together
It gets hotter, hotter
When you touch my skin
It gets louder, louder

A kiss entirely made of stars
I’m floating through milky way and mars
These things are always unforeseen
I’m going where I’ve never been

Diamonds glitter in your eyes, in your eyes
Are you my sunshine or demise? Demise…
I’m afraid to let you in
You touch me deep within, within

Come a little closer, love
Let my kisses your face adorn
You have been sent from above
Right down to the naked floor.

You stare, I stare
Afraid to move
I’m afraid of familiar blues
I fail to pick up all your cues

But I try, I try
Together we fly, we fly
There is nothing in between
I feel like I’m seventeen

I’m charging through the beat of sound
In your arms I’m instantly found
This stuff is surely made of dreams, of dreams
May it not tear at the seams, the seams….

By Olga Shkolnik

Freeee fly

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What does it mean for you to be free?
When was the last time you really felt free…
Traveling. ..unraveling. ..flowing. ..glowing. ..allowing the universe to guide you to those magical places you have only imagined in your beautiful mind..
Trusting your soul…trusting the windy path. ..enjoying the journey. ..laughing. .
Connecting with every moment as if its your very last…and feeling completely complete if it actually was.
Be true to your feelings. ..
Always listen to your heart…
Fly with the wind and don’t look back.
Focus on your blessings. ..that are always now. ..
Know you are in the right place at the right time…
There is nowhere else for you to be but where you are right NOW!
Embrace your full experience with a pure loving open trusting heart…
You are freee…
If you ever feel lost. ..
Just repeat. ..
“I am free”
Smile and visualuze your dreams…
By doing this you will magically manifest whatever you are creating in your mind heart and soul…
Believe and watch the magic unfold right before your pretty £¥£s…
We are freeeee..

Holographic b universe



There is no need for manipulation

Only resistance will mani-fest

This is just another test

So just take a deep breath and rest your mind… unwind

Soon you will find the holographic uni-verse

And come to realize that there is only one verse

And there is plenty of time to rehearse

Before you end up in a hearse

So be here NOW…be here now!

Understand the master plan

We are all apart of

Its okay to stray

But once the water overflows at bay

It is time to come together

So we can all float above and feel as light as a feather

We all have the power to create the weather

Where we can have sunshine and rainbows

But must bow to our rainbows and be thankful

For our blessings here

Let’s switch gears and move at a slower pace

There is no race

Why would we want our consciousness to erase?

Now lets cut to the chase

We are all on planet earth

Orbiting through outer space

galaxies circling around

not knowing which way is up or down

lets get out of town

And act like a bunch of clowns

We can make crazy different sounds

Everybody will want to spin around

We will all mold together a truly see that we




Each vibration

Each penetration

Out and in

Nobody is here to win or lose

Let’s just get down and groove

There is nothing to prove

Sooth each others minds bodies and souls

Console each other

Breathe with each other

Plant seeds with each other

Uplift each other

Help each other

Lets Build a movement of love

hope, peace and compassion…

Let’s dance

In a trance

Mesmerize me…

Don’t disguise me

Vision fireflies glowing

Unborn stars bursting….buzzing

Waiting to bloom

Don’t worry we will all be coming home soon

Back to our mother land

So just simply understand to enjoy your life

Moment by moment

Sweet breath

And remember to exhale

The color of death is pale

But don’t worry

The experience won’t be stale

This is why I am here today to share this ancient tale

And no it didn’t come in the mail

I gained this wisdom by wandering through a mysterious dark trail

Deep in the forest

Receiving whispers from the warm gentle breeze

The soothing sound of the leaves shimmering on the trees

I fell to my knees and surrendered




I see you

I feel you

I understand!

It feels so good to let go of your fears

Tears of happiness fell from my eyes

I began to realize that rain brings life and love

Sent from above

The earth wants us to swim through her skin

To feel her from within

To smell

To taste

To hear

To see all the colors

To see all the darkness

To absorb everything before our material bodies are absorbed

Oh thank you lord

For this magical journey

We will meet again

Oh yes

We will meet again!